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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Vietnam

Herausgeber_innen: Center for Global Workers’ Rights (CGWR)
Autor_innen: Mark Anner, Ph.D.

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Unternehmen, Beschaffer_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitszeiten, Auftragsstornierung, Asien, Bangladesch, COVID-19, Corona, Einkaufspraktiken, Globalisierung, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, globale Wertschöpfungskette, Indien, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Lieferkette, Menschenrechte, Preisdruck, Studie, Tipps für in der Bekleidungsbranche Tätige, Untersuchung, Unternehmensverantwortung, Vietnam


The questions explored in this report are related to the purchasing practices of brands and retailers as they place new orders with suppliers during the continued Covid-19 pandemic.

How are brands responding to their business partners’ distressed circumstances? Are they treating suppliers fairly? Or are brands and retailers taking advantage of suppliers’ desperation to extract price discounts and other concessions? How are current trends in order volume and pricing affecting the viability of suppliers? What will be the impact on the tens of millions of workers who sew apparel for their livelihood?

To answer these questions, this report examines the findings from a new survey of apparel suppliers conducted during July and August of 2020. It also draws on recent trade data, interviews with stakeholders, quarterly financial reports, and other sources.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 10 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: Fair Wear Foundation


A publication exploring solutions for tackling gender-based violence in the garment industry.

The publication revisits the issues that were discussed at the 2017 Gender Forum in Vietnam. It looks at what has changed since the 2017 Gender Forum, charting the progress achieved and the obstacles encountered by country teams over the course of the year —in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam —as they work toward achieving the goals and pledges made during the 2017 Gender Forum.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Umfang: 34 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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Freitag, 09 November 2018 14:29

Vietnam Country Study

Herausgeber_in: Fair Wear Foundation

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitszeiten, existenzsichernde Löhne, Gewerkschaft, Gewerkschaften, Gewerkschaftsfreiheit, Vietnam


The Vietnamese garment industry is the country’s second largest exporting industry, following electronics, and accounts for 15 percent of the country’s GDP and 20.77 percent of its total exports in 2014. The U.S is the biggest market for garments from Vietnam, while Japan and the EU come second and third, respectively. According to the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and ILO Convention 98 on Protection of the Right to Organise, Vietnam has not ratified worker’s rights. Freedom of association remains the most challenging problem for Vietnam. Workers are not allowed to establish independent trade unions of their choice, as all enterprise unions must be affiliated to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, the only recognised union in the country. At the grassroots level, it is common to find enterprise union leadership dominated by high-ranking managers and collective bargaining agreements that are copied from the labour legislation.

The second biggest challenge in the Vietnamese textile industry is excessive overtime. The current annual overtime limit for garment industry is 200 hours (which can be extended to 300 hours in special cases) or 30 hours per month, but a large number of garment factories violated this legal limit. The 2015 minimum wage that is used by garment companies as the basic salary is estimated to meet 75 percent of the minimum living needs. The garment association and the national garment trade union have a sector Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that covers around 100 companies, mainly state-owned enterprises. However, according to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), at least 60 percent of registered CBAs in Vietnam were just copies of the law. The lowest wages provided by the CBA are only slightly higher than the minimum wages.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

Umfang: 45 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download (PDF-Datei)


Herausgeber_in: Research Center for Employment Relations

Autor_in: Do Quynh Chi

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, existenzsichernde Löhne, Frauen in der Bekleidungsindustrie, Gewalt, Gewerkschaft, Gewerkschaften, Gewerkschaftsfreiheit, sexuelle Belästigung, Vietnam


Garment and textile is the second biggest exporting industry in Vietnam, after electronics, accounting for 15 percent of the country’s GDP and 14 percent of its total exports in 2015. The United States is the biggest market for garments from

Vietnam while Japan and the European Union EU come second and third respectively

With the Party-controlled VGCL remaining the only recognised union organisation, freedom of association has been the most challenging area in terms of labour rights for Vietnam. The enterprise unions are mostly dependent on management and incapable of independently representing workers in negotiations with employers. Social dialogue at the workplace is encouraged by the law but due to the unions’ weakness, has not been effectively practised. The Labour Code of Vietnam provides that the minimum wage should cover the basic living expenses of a worker and his/her family, but the current minimum wage is still lagging behind the minimum living needs. However, the National Wage Council, a tripartite institute, has become more active in MW negotiations, taking into account minimum living needs as well as economic and productivity growth.

Gender-based violence at the workplace has rarely been reported and grievances are few. However, related research shows that gender-based violence is an extensive problem in a society like Vietnam.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Umfang: 50 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download (PDF-Datei)

Herausgeber_in: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Autor_in: Do Quynh Chi

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, globale Produktionsströme, Globale Wertschöpfungskette, globaler Produktionsweg, globalisierte Wirtschaft, Freihandelsabkommen, Handelsabkommen, Handelsregime, Schuhe, Vietnam, Zulieferfabriken, Zulieferer

This study attempts to depict a complicated and multi-dimensional picture of labour standards in the GSCs of garments, footwear, and electronics within the context of international trade regimes and the national industrial development of Vietnam.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 58 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Herausgeber: CIR

Schlagwörter:  Mindestlöhne, Existenssichernde Löhne, Armutsfalle, Sportbekleidung, Kambodscha, Südindien, Vietnam und Nicaragua

Nach St(r)ich und Faden" zeigt Fotos rund um die Arbeitsbedingungen in der (Sport-) Bekleidungsindustrie. Sechs Fotoposter erklären die Wahrheit über Mode-Mythen: Zum Beispiel, warum der Mindestlohn in den Billiglohnländern zum Leben nicht ausreicht und dass teure Kleidung nicht fairer produziert wird als billige.
Die ausdruckstarken Fotos zeigen Aufnahmen aus der Bekleidungsindustrie in Kambodscha, Südindien, Vietnam und Nicaragua. Die Posterserie ist als komplette Ausstellung einsetzbar. In Foyers, Weltläden, Gemeindehäusern, Schulen, bei Infoveranstaltungen und, und, und oder einfach an den eigenen Wänden.Das Faltblatt "Was kann ich tun?" begleitet die Ausstellung und informiert über die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, sich für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen in der Bekleidungsproduktion einzusetzen sowie Kleidung bewusst zu konsumieren.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 6 Poster

Sprache: Deutsch

Zielgruppe: Schüler_innen Sek I/II/Berufsschule, Erwachsene

Medien:  Ausstellung, Hintergrundinformationen

Bezug: Posterserie für 20 Euro zu bestellen auf - ergänzendes Faltblatt erhältlich als Print oder Download 



