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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Textilindustrie

Herausgeber_in: Changing Markets Foundation

Autor_innen: Changing Markets Foundation

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Abfall, COVID-19, Corona, Erdöl, Fasern, Fast Fashion, Lieferkette, Markt, Marken, Mikroplastik, Nachhaltigkeit, Polyester, Recycling, Rohstoffe, Textilindustrie, Umweltbelastung, Verhaltenstipps


This report reveals the hidden reliance of the fast fashion industry on fossil fuels. It demonstrates how the historical and projected growth of synthetic fibres, such as polyester, has become the backbone of the prevailing unsustainable fast fashion business model, which is driving runaway consumption and presents a major obstacle to a circular economy. It also uncovers how, in light of the fashion industry’s growing dependence on fossil fuels, the oil and gas industry are betting on production of plastic, including plastic-fibres, as a growing share of their revenue.

The production of polyester alone is leading to annual GHG emissions equivalent to 180 coal power plants and this is projected to nearly double by 2030. In addition to the climate crisis, fashion’s addiction to fossil fuels is also driving the waste crisis – from ubiquitous microfibre pollution to mountains of textile waste ending up in nature, landfills and incinerators. The report calls for a considerable slow-down of fast fashion and highlights the upcoming EU textile strategy as a good opportunity to introduce sweeping legislation that should change the course of the industry.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 45 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Informationen auf der Website oder kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: Changing Markets Foundation

Autor_innen: Changing Markets Foundation

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Chemikalien, Fasern, Gesundheitsschäden, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Labels, Löhne, Materialien, Menschenrechte, Marken, Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling, Rohstoff, Siegel, Textilindustrie, Transparenz, Umweltbelastungen, Viskose


This report shines a spotlight on the environmental and human health impacts caused by the rapidly expanding viscose industry. It presents evidence from the top three viscose producing countries in Asia, showing how the environment, lives and livelihoods are being ruined by the dangerous chemicals and noxious gases its production generates. The report tracks the supply chain and establishes direct links between major European and North American brands and the polluting factories investigated. Brands can play a key role in this process by demanding that viscose companies clean up their act and by offering them support in transitioning towards more sustainable production processes. The good news is that new viscose production methods already exist, which do not rely on the abundant use of toxic chemicals and bring manufacturing into a ‘closed loop’ so that the chemicals which are used do not escape into the environment.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 67 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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Herausgeber_in: Changing Markets Foundation

Autor_in: Changing Markets Foundation

Zielgruppe: Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule, Lehrende, Student_innen

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Chemikalien, COVID-19, Corona, Fasern, Gesundheitsschäden, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Labels, Löhne, Materialien, Menschenrechte, Marken, Recycling, Textilindustrie, Transparenz, Umweltbelastungen, Viskose


Almost three years since the first fashion brands and retailers signed up to our Roadmap towards responsible viscose and modal fibre manufacturing, this report evaluates where the global textile industry now stands in the transition towards responsible viscose. We have engaged with 100 brands and retailers, and the most prominent viscose manufactures’ and initiatives, evaluating their responsible production plans, commitments and progress on transparency. Fourteen major brands and retailers have made a public commitment to clean up their viscose supply chains and viscose manufacturers producing over 50% of global market share have also committed to better manufacturing and have started investing in closed-loop production processes in line with the Changing Markets’ Roadmap. While the frontrunners of the industry have made great headway, the report highlights that legislation is needed to unlock a sector-wide transformation.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 47 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Informationen auf der Website oder kostenfrei zum Download

Sonntag, 01 November 2020 15:02

Addressing SCP in the fashion and apparel sector

Addressing SCP in the fashion and apparel sector
SCP = sustainable consumption and production

Herausgeber_in: Switch Asia (SCP Facility) (gefördert von der EU)

Autor_innen: Dr. Jürgen Hannak, Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin, Mohammad Azad Rahman Siddique, Jana Hack, Franziska Sophie Kohler


Themen:             Umweltschäden/Baumwollanbau/Kunstfasern


Zielgruppe:        Student_innen, Erwachsene, Dozent_innen

Medien:              Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Asien, Bekleidungsindustrie, Chemikalien, Globalisierung, Klima, Konsum, Länderprofil, Leder, Nachhaltigkeit, Sorgfaltspflicht, Sozialstandards, Textilfasern, Textilindustrie, Umweltschäden, Umweltschutz


The study clustered target countries in regards to SCP-policy (sustainable consumption and production) related development and implementation progress, as well as the gaps and action required regarding the SCP framework. The main objective of the scoping study is to define the scope and challenges regarding SCP in the fashion and apparel sector to better identify thematic priority areas for a regional action programme at national level to develop approaches and resolutions to some of the most persistent and critical issues, such as safety and working conditions, gender, health, water use and chemical products, waste generation and management, alternative energy use, resource efficiency, eco-labelling and procurement, as well as sustainable consumption behavior along the entire value chain of the fashion and apparel sector.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Umfang: 133 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Sonntag, 01 November 2020 14:59

Umweltatlas: Lieferketten

Herausgeber_in: adelphi und Systain Consulting GmbH

Autor_innen: Dr. Moritz Nill, Norbert Jungmichel, Christina Schampel (alle Systain), Daniel Weiss (adelphi)


Themen:             Umweltschäden/ Baumwollanbau/ Kunstfasern, Wertschöpfungskette/Globalisierung/Welthandel

Zielgruppe:        Student_innen, Erwachsene, Dozent_innen

Medien:              Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitssicherheit, Chemikalien, Chemie in der Kleidung, Globalisierung, Lieferkette, Ökobilanz, Textilindustrie, Treibhauseffekt, Umweltbelastungen, Wasserverbrauch, Zulieferfabriken


Die Umweltbelastungen, die in den internationalen Lieferketten von Unternehmen entstehen, sind oft um ein Vielfaches höher als an ihren Standorten in Deutschland. Unternehmen sind heute mehr denn je gefordert, ihrer gesellschaftlichen Ver­antwortung auch in der Lieferkette nachzukommen. Der „Umweltatlas Lieferketten“ von adelphi und Systain beschreibt erstmals umfassend, wie sich die Produktion von deutschen Unternehmen im Ausland auf die Umwelt auswirkt.

Die Studie untersucht die Umweltwirkungen acht ausgewählter Branchen im Hinblick auf vier Schlüsselbereiche des Umweltschutzes: Treibhausgasemissionen, Luftverschmutzung, Wasserverbrauch, Landnutzung.

Der Atlas zeigt auf, welche Umweltauswirkungen an welcher Stelle in den Lieferketten in welcher Weltregion auftreten und wie diese minimiert oder ganz vermieden werden können. Somit werden „Hotspots“ für die jeweilige Branche sichtbar gemacht. Darauf aufbauend stellt der Atlas Lösungsansätze und Instrumente vor.

Branchen: Bekleidungseinzelhandel, Chemieindustrie, Elektronikindustrie, Fahrzeugbau, Klima, Lebensmitteleinzelhandel, Maschinenbau, Metallerzeugung und -verarbeitung, Papierindustrie

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 48 Seiten

Sprache: Deutsch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Herausgeber_in: Forum for the Future, Levi Strauss & Co.


Climate change, population growth, and shortages of key resources are already affecting the industry and they will bring profound changes over the next 15 years. By 2025 there are expected to be another billion people living on this planet and twice as many elderly people. Climate change will have major impacts on agriculture and patterns of global land use. Many communities will change radically, affecting the needs of the industry’s customers and the availability of labour. Demand for energy, water and food will grow, prices are likely to rise, and control of resources will be a key political issue. Other factors will shape our world in less predictable ways. China, India and other emerging economies will change global patterns of trade and power and exercise a growing cultural influence. Technology will continue to transform our lives and businesses and create new opportunities – think of the impact the internet has had in the last 15 years. People’s attitudes to resource shortages, climate change and sustainability, and their levels of disposable income, will affect consumer demand. How governments act, or fail to act, on trade, economics, the environment and poverty, and how they coordinate action on these and other global issues will also have a huge impact. They cover a wide range of issues and pose some searching questions: The future is likely to be dramatically different from today. We have created four scenarios, exploring the challenges ahead for the fashion industry and its current business models.

  • How will the industry react to shortages of cotton and other raw materials?
  • How could the fashion workforce be affected by shifting supply chains and technological development?
  • How might technology influence fashion and change the way it is produced and sold?
  • How will people care for their clothes in a future of water shortages and high energy prices?
  • How could reuse and remanufacturing of clothing develop as a response to higher demand and prices?

The four scenarios explore worlds where globalisation has progressed or gone into reverse and where society and its fashions change more rapidly than today.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Umfang: 8

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug:  kostenfrei zum Download

Samstag, 09 Februar 2019 09:23

Turkey Country Study 2017/2018

Herausgeber_in: Fair Wear Foundation


The garment industry is Turkey’s second largest industry, responsible for a large proportion of total export, with the European Union (EU) as the biggest purchaser. Although the industry is familiar with international workplace standards as well as the audits of international buyers, improvements are still needed in many aspects of its labour conditions. Small and medium-sized factories with a wide sub-contractor chain dominate the industry, with the working conditions deteriorating throughout the supply chain.

This country study examines the situation in Turkey in 2017, using statistics from that year and previous years. Where relevant, current information from 2018 has been included.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Umfang: 56 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug:  kostenfrei zum Download

Samstag, 09 Februar 2019 09:16

Indonesia Country Study 2018

Herausgeber_in: Fair Wear Foundation


The garment industry is a significant contributor to Indonesia’s large economy. In fact, it was the fifth greatest contributor to Indonesia’s non-oil and gas manufacturing export figures from 2014 to 2017, growing at an average of 1.1 % during that period. It is also an important source of employment, accounting for around 26.6 % of jobs in the manufacturing sector. The industry is affected by changes to economic conditions in the US and Europe, the major destinations for its products. It also faces the challenge of competing with other garment-producing countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh, with costs including labour, affecting competitiveness.

Another challenge for the garment industry lies in meeting international expectations about the treatment of workers. Conditions in garment factories vary considerably. They are generally much worse in medium and small enterprises, which do not attract the kinds of scrutiny that large suppliers to international brands are subjected to. The industry has received a great deal of attention from international and local NGOs and trade unions, but there remains much to be done before the standards embedded in FWF Code of Labour Practice are fully met even in more compliant segments of the sector. In terms of labour rights, Indonesia has signed key international human rights instruments, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and all eight core International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions. However, the extent to which these commitments are reflected in Indonesian legislation and in its implementation, varies. Like many countries in the region, it also continues to experience serious problems in terms of the implementation of many aspects of its legal framework. This core problem has led to issues with freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively; working hours and conditions, including the right of women to be free of sexual harassment in the workplace; occupational health and safety; and the right to a living wage. FWF will continue to provide updated information on Indonesia at and will update this country study on a periodic basis in the future.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Umfang: 70 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug:  kostenfrei zum Download

Herausgeber_in: Umweltbundesamt

Schlagwörter: Textilindustrie, Schuhe, Umweltaspekte, Umweltbelastung, Umweltbelastungen, Umweltschäden, umweltschädlich, Umweltgefährdend Gesundheitsgefährdend, Umweltbewusstsein, Umweltverschmutzung, Wasserverbrauch, Wasserverschmutzung

Heute weiß man sehr gut, wie Textilien und Schuhe möglichst umweltschonend hergestellt werden können. Das ist auch den Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern klar. Sie wollen Umweltgefährdungen immer weniger mittragen – genauso, wie sie das auch beim Thema mangelnder Sozialstandards schon deutlich gemacht haben. Laut Umweltbewusstseinsstudie 2010 des Umweltbundesamtes kaufen zwei von drei Befragten gezielt Produkte, deren Herstellung die Umwelt möglichst gering belastet.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Umfang: 44 Seiten

Sprache: Deutsch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Downloaden

Herausgeber_in: Miguel Angel Gardetti

Nachhaltigkeit, Bekleidungsindustrie, Textilindustrie, Lieferkette, Standards, Ökostandards, Ökobilanz

This book covers the elements involved in achieving sustainability in textiles and Clothing sector. The chapters to be covered in three volumes of this series title cover all the distinctive arethe as earmarked for achieving sustainable development in textiles and the clothing industry. This second volume deals with the measurement of environmental and societal impacts across the textiles and clothing supply chain. It addresses this important aspect in a comprehensive way including the overall picture of environmental and societal impacts of textiles and clothing supply chain, environmentally sustainable clothing consumption, emerging green technologies and eco-friendly products for sustainable textiles, etc. This volume has a dedicated place to deal with the consumer phase impacts in the life cycle of clothing products, biodegradation of textile products, sustainable business development and its implications in textile sector. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 287 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-981-287-110-7): 83.92 €

Dieses Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.

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