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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Lieferkette

Donnerstag, 03 Mai 2018 21:10

Factsheet: The real cost of our shoes

Herausgeber_in: Change your Shoes, Clean Clothes Campaign

Autor_in: Francesco Gesuald, Deborah Lucchetti

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Einkaufspraktiken, Lieferkette, Schuhe, Unternehmenspraxis 

This factsheet puts the main issues of the report together. It is an investigation into the supply chains of three major shoe brands: Tod’s, Prada and Geox. The purpose is twofold: on one hand it aims to analyse their production strategies, while at the same time it aims to provide a snapshot of the working conditions existing in various points along global supply chains. From this point of view, the report can be considered as the continuation of the investigation conducted in 2015 by Change Your Shoes, which asked 23 major shoes brands, among the most influential in Europe, how they ensure the respect of workers’ rights in their supply chains. The responses, analysed according to the authoritative framework provided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, were published in the report entitled Trampling workers rights underfoot in which Italian companies were positioned in the lower section of the ranking: Tod’s and Ferragamo did not even respond to the questionnaire, while Prada and Geox provided only minimal evidence to demonstrate that they apply serious policies to ensure compliance with human rights. There was therefore a need to understand why some brands did not respond and a more in-depth exploration of the information provided to verify the substance of that information. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 8 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Donnerstag, 03 Mai 2018 20:54

The real cost of our shoes

Herausgeber_in: Change your Shoes, Clean Clothes Campaign

Autor_in: Francesco Gesuald, Deborah Lucchetti

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Einkaufspraktiken, Lieferkette, Schuhe, Unternehmenspraxis

This report is an investigation into the supply chains of three major shoe brands: Tod’s, Prada and Geox. The purpose is twofold: on one hand it aims to analyse their production strategies, while at the same time it aims to provide a snapshot of the working conditions existing in various points along global supply chains. From this point of view, the report can be considered as the continuation of the investigation conducted in 2015 by Change Your Shoes, which asked 23 major shoes brands, among the most influential in Europe, how they ensure the respect of workers’ rights in their supply chains. The responses, analysed according to the authoritative framework provided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, were published in the report entitled Trampling workers rights underfoot in which Italian companies were positioned in the lower section of the ranking: Tod’s and Ferragamo did not even respond to the questionnaire, while Prada and Geox provided only minimal evidence to demonstrate that they apply serious policies to ensure compliance with human rights. There was therefore a need to understand why some brands did not respond and a more in-depth exploration of the information provided to verify the substance of that information. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 64 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Autor_in: Deniz Köksal, Jochen Strähle, Martin Müller, Matthias Freise

Schlagwörter: Lieferkette, Sozialstandards, Soziale Verantwortung, soziale Verantwortung, soziale Probleme, Studie 

So far, a vast amount of studies on sustainability in supply chain management have been conducted by academics over the last decade. Nevertheless, socially related aspects are still neglected in the related discussion. The primary motivation of the present literature review has arisen from this shortcoming, thus the key purpose of this study is to enrich the discussion by providing a state-of-the-art, focusing exclusively on social issues in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) by considering the textile/apparel sector as the field of application. The authors conduct a literature review, including content analysis which covers 45 articles published in English peer-reviewed journals, and proposes a comprehensive map which integrates the latest findings on socially related practices in the textile/apparel industry with the dominant conceptualization in order to reveal potential research areas in the field. The results show an ongoing lack of investigation regarding the social dimension of the triple bottom line in SSCM. Findings indicate that a company’s internal orientation is the main assisting factor in sustainable supply chain management practices. Further, supplier collaboration and assessment can be interpreted as an offer for suppliers deriving from stakeholders and a focal company’s management of social risk. Nevertheless, suppliers do also face or even create huge barriers in improving their social performance. This calls for more empirical research and qualitative or quantitative survey methods, especially at the supplier level located in developing countries.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Text aus Sustainability Volume 9 Issue 1 - kostenfrei zum Downloadkostenfrei zum Download

Herausgeber_in:  World Journal of Social Sciences Volume 7 No.1.
Autor_in: Zeenath Reza Khan, Gwendolyn Rodrigues, Sreejith Balasubramanian

Lieferkette, Arbeitsbedingungen, Bekleidungsindustrie, Kinderarbeit, Ausbeutung, Umweltschäden, soziale Verantwortung, Konsumalternativen, Konsumverhalten,

Ethical issues with offshore manufacturing plants in the readymade garment industry is a regular affair, particularly for factories located in lesser developed nations. Despite efforts by non-government agencies around the globe pressurizing both governments and multinational corporations to adopt ethical practices, disastrous accidents and loss of lives continue to haunt the industry. This paper reviews existing literature to develop an understanding of consumers as pressure groups, and proposes a factor model that may influence consumers’ willingness to pay for ethical garments which will be tested in future studies.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 17 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Kostenfrei zum Download

Freigegeben in Kritischer Konsum

Autor_in: Stefan Winter, Rainer Lasch

Nachhaltigkeit, Lieferkette, Standards, Ökostandards, Sozialstandards, Unternehmensverantwortung, Monitoring, Zulieferer, Zulieferfabriken, Interviews, Kinderarbeit, Zwangsarbeit, Wasserverbrauch, soziale und ökologische Folgen

Due to environmental and social problems with suppliers, companies have included sustainability criteria in their supplier evaluation. However, there is little research on the application of environmental and social criteria and related purchasing practices. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine how companies apply environmental and social criteria in supplier evaluation. Interviews with purchasing experts from the fashion and apparel industry were conducted. The results indicate that no child labour, working hours, no forced labour, no discrimination, employment compensation, freedom of association, and health and safety practices are commonly used as social criteria, whereas end-of-pipe control (wastewater treatment systems) and environmentally friendly materials are used as environmental criteria. New criteria, for example, housing conditions and home worker conditions, were identified as not having been suggested in the literature on supplier evaluation. The discussion herein examines the application and the importance of sustainability criteria in the supplier evaluation process. Environmental and social criteria are applied in pre-qualification as well as verification of the compliance of the purchasing requirements in supplier controlling. However, these criteria are not important in the final selection of a supplier for an order as is often recommended in the literature. Consequently, sustainability criteria are indeed important for supplier evaluation but do not carry the same importance that many papers assign them. The research findings contribute to the literature on sustainable supply chain management with empirical insights about the application and importance of environmental and social criteria in supplier evaluation. Furthermore, the identified sustainability criteria can be used by practitioners to improve supplier evaluation efforts.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016

Umfang: 15 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Bezug: Kapitel aus Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 139

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder ist diese Studie kostenfrei unter verfügbar.

Herausgeber_in: Miguel Angel Gardetti

Nachhaltigkeit, Bekleidungsindustrie, Textilindustrie, Lieferkette, Standards, Ökostandards, Ökobilanz

This book covers the elements involved in achieving sustainability in textiles and Clothing sector. The chapters to be covered in three volumes of this series title cover all the distinctive arethe as earmarked for achieving sustainable development in textiles and the clothing industry. This second volume deals with the measurement of environmental and societal impacts across the textiles and clothing supply chain. It addresses this important aspect in a comprehensive way including the overall picture of environmental and societal impacts of textiles and clothing supply chain, environmentally sustainable clothing consumption, emerging green technologies and eco-friendly products for sustainable textiles, etc. This volume has a dedicated place to deal with the consumer phase impacts in the life cycle of clothing products, biodegradation of textile products, sustainable business development and its implications in textile sector. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 287 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-981-287-110-7): 83.92 €

Dieses Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses e-Book kostenfrei verfügbar.

Herausgeber_in: Miguel Angel Gardetti
Autor_in: Hakan Karaosman, Alessandro Brun, Gustavo Morales-Alonso

Nachhaltigkeit, Lieferkette, Standards, Ökostandards, Sozialstandards, Unternehmensverantwortung, Monitoring, Zulieferer

Pressure over sustainability is constantly growing. Luxury goods companies are thus required to prioritize their corporate goals and to integrate sustainability into upstream supply chains (SCs). Nevertheless, it is getting difficult to find sustainable partners as a consequence of globally dispersed fashion SCs (FSCs). In order to commit to business sustainability, a luxury goods company must address and appraise not only its own but also its suppliers’ social and environmental performance. While there have been efforts in assessing environmental sustainability, to date, there are still gaps in the current literature in terms of social sustainability assessment and to what extent social sustainability could be integrated into contemporary decision-making processes. Prior research stress that having an integrated approach to investigate interactions among social, economic, and environmental dimensions is more practical than applying deep yet disconnected investigation in only one dimension. Nonetheless, it is important to underline that sustainability indicators do not ensure the same impact on all industries; henceforth sector-specific assessment frameworks need a further investigation. This study therefore attempts to synthesise both current and novel components in a comprehensive framework to appraise sustainability performance. The main contribution of this study is the proposition of a 360 Degrees Performance Appraisal model to evaluate the impact of SC operations on sustainability. Hence, this chapter provides an understanding of (i) how SC of a luxury goods company must be configured toward sustainability, (ii) how sustainability performance must be assessed through incorporation of a wide range of stakeholders, and (iii) how sustainability could be further advanced in luxury FSCs. Not only could this tool provide an integrated approach to value sustainability by encompassing all related stakeholders associated, but it could also help luxury fashion companies monitor, interpret and further improve their suppliers’ and sub-contractors’ sustainability performance. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 29 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Kapitel aus e-Book  Sustainable Management of Luxury (ISBN 978-981-10-2917-2): 29.69 €

Dieses Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses Kapitel kostenfrei verfügbar.

Autor_in: Yongjian Li, Xiukun Zhao, Dan Shi, Xiang Li

Schlagwörter: CSR, CSR-Maßnahmen, CSRMaßnahmen, Nachhaltigkeit, Lieferkette, Fast Fashion, Studie, Unternehmensverantwortung


This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibility behavior on the sustainability performance of focal companies and their partners in fast fashion supply chains. The attributes of sustainability and the mechanism of sustainability governance of the fast fashion supply chain are also discussed. From the perspective of strategic corporate social responsibility, we first analyze the motives for adopting sustainability governance in fast fashion supply chains, and identify seven competitive sustainable attributes of the fast fashion product based on sustainable development theory. Then, by establishing a sustainability governance framework, we identify seven factors that affect the sustainability governance decision-making and evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy mechanism of sustainability governance from internal and external perspectives. Finally, we explore the application of the governance mechanisms via a case study based on H&M’s seven sustainability commitments. The findings suggest that the core influence and centrality of a corporation should be strengthened from the perspective of internal governance, and stakeholders should collaborate to achieve sustainability governance throughout the entire fast fashion supply chain from the perspective of external governance.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 14 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Kapitel aus European Management Journal Volume 32, Issue 5: 35.95 €

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder ist diese Studie kostenfrei verfügbar.

Autor_in: Duygu Turker, Ceren Altuntas

Fast Fashion, Nachhaltigkeit, Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, Standards, Lieferkette, SozialAudits, Sozial-Audits, Zulieferer, Bekleidungsindustrie, Monitoring, Globale Wertschöpfungskette, Textilindustrie

In recent decades, the fast fashion industry has been characterized by widespread operations across both developing and developed countries. Due to the economic, social and environmental problems in developing countries, companies increasingly focus on sustainability and try to ensure the same quality and standards in working and production conditions throughout their supply chains. Although the tension in the exchange of resources between developing and developed countries lies at the heart of current sustainability activities, what these companies are actually doing to manage their supply chain has not yet been explored in depth in the literature. Drawing on the theoretical framework of Seuring and Müller (2008), the current study attempts to fill this void by conceptually mapping the current situation of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in the fast fashion industry by analysing reports from 9 companies that use the same reporting guidelines. The results of the study reveal that these companies focus significantly on supplier compliance with their code of conduct, employing further monitoring and auditing activities to prevent production problems in developing countries, improve overall supply chain performance and set sustainability criteria for their suppliers.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 12 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Kapitel aus European Management Journal Volume 35, Issue 4: 35.95 €

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder ist diese Studie kostenfrei verfügbar.

Herausgeber_in: Ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Autor_in: Sabine Ferenschild, Stefan Körzell, Thomas Silberhorn

Textilbündnis, Sozialstandards, Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsrechtsverletzungen, Arbeitszeiten, Einkaufspraktiken, Existenzlohn, Lieferkette, Lohn, Unternehmenspraxis, Freiwilligkeit

Im Oktober 2014 wurde das Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien von Vertretern der Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft, Standardorganisationen und Gewerkschaften gegründet, um soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Verbesserungen entlang der Textillieferkette zu erreichen. Zeichnen sich nach etwas über einem Jahr Gültigkeit erste Erfolge ab? Sabine Ferenschild, SÜDWIND e.V. Institut für Ökonomie und Ökumene, sieht ein Manko des Textilbündnisses darin, dass es auf Freiwilligkeit beruht. Positiv dagegen seien die Berücksichtigung aller textilen Verarbeitungsstufen sowie die Abdeckung einer breiten Palette inhaltlicher Standards im sozialen wie im ökologischen Bereich. Gegenwärtig könne man weder von einem Gelingen noch von einem Scheitern sprechen, da das Bündnis noch mit der Schaffung seiner eigenen Grundlagen beschäftigt sei. Stefan Körzell, DGB, unterstreicht, dass insbesondere die Unternehmen dafür Sorge tragen müssen, dass ihre weltweiten Produktionsstandorte oder die ihrer Zulieferer sicher sind. Dies dürfe nicht auf Freiwilligkeit beruhen, sondern erfordere strengere Haftungsregeln für Unternehmen, und zwar auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Nach Ansicht von Thomas Silberhorn, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, ist das Bündnis ein Beispiel dafür, wie Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft gemeinsam an sozialen und ökologischen Verbesserungen arbeiten können. Aber auch ein kritisches Bewusstsein der Verbraucher sei notwendig, damit die Nachfrage nach nachhaltig hergestellten Waren- und Dienstleistungen steige und dadurch Anreize für die Unternehmen gesetzt werden, nachhaltiger zu produzieren.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 10 Seiten

Sprache: Deutsch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download



