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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Genderbasedviolence

Herausgeber_innen: Global Labor Justice

Autor_innen: Shikha Silliman Bhattacharjee

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Asien, Bekleidungsindustrie, Frauen in der Bekleidungsindustrie, Gender, gender-based-violence, GBVH, Gewerkschaften, Globalisierung, globale Wertschöpfungskette, ILO, Lieferkette, Leitprinzipien, Menschenrechte

Low wage women workers are least likely to have access to limited social safety nets, and most earn wages too low to save. As economies contract and millions of workers are fired, older women are among the first to lose their jobs. The unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 are deep and far-reaching, affecting the health and livelihoods of more than 150 million workers in global supply chains and 40 million workers in fast fashion supply chains—a workforce largely made up of women. Government and corporate responses to COVID-19 have exposed vast structural inequalities created by supply chain production models.

This report reviews the gendered impact of COVID-19—and the need for a transformational approach to prevent and end GBVH using guidance from C190*—in the context of Asian fast fashion supply chains which produce primarily consumer apparel and footwear. The report highlights the persistent risk factors for violence that both predate and are exacerbated by COVID-19. It provides detailed guidance for fast fashion lead firms on steps they can take to uphold C190 obligations to address violence on garment supply chains in context of the global public health crisis and the economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While this report focuses on fast fashion supply chains, the guidance for corporate accountability to achieve violence free workplaces provides an important roadmap across global supply chain sectors.

* C190 is the first international labor standard to lay out a gender-inclusive approach to addressing violence in the world of work and measures to end GBVH, including addressing risks associated with discrimination, unequal relationships of power and occupational health and safety

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 47 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: FEMNET e.V., Bonn; Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS)

Zielgruppe:        Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien:              Hintergrundinformation

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsrechte, Bangladesch, Frauenrechte, ILO, Gender-based violence, geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt, Multi Stakeholder Initiativen, Unternehmensverantwortung, sexuelle Belästigung, Studie


In June 2019 the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a new Convention and Recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the workplace. While the convention recognizes the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment and is accompanied by a Recommendation that provides advice and guidance against gender-based violence (GBV), it is still a long way to put these into practice to effectively address and mitigate GBV. Ratification of the convention and, most importantly, implementation of measures to prevent and reduce GBV at the workplace and beyond are urgently needed. When looking at the garment industry, the importance to address GBV from different angles becomes evident. While both evidence for GBV as well as solutions to address abusive behavior at work exist, responsible stakeholders, including governments, brands and retailers as well as factory management, are often still reluctant to address violence and harassment proactively.

The present study is part of the Multi-stakeholder partnership to decrease gender-based violence against women in the garment industry of Bangladesh and India and therefore meant to collect facts and figures on the prevalence of violence and harassment in Bangladeshi garment factories. From this data as well as earlier studies and initiatives to combat GBV, the report analyses the situations in which workers are likely to become a victim of violence and harassment, with case studies that clearly illustrate the practices and structures that are currently fostering abusive behavior against workers. The report is the outcome of a joint project between the Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) and FEMNET in Germany, that set out to bring brands and retailers, suppliers as well as workers' rights organizations in Bangladesh to one table in order to establish a meaningful and sustainable dialogue on how to jointly address GBV in the garment sector of Bangladesh.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 29 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: vollständiger Bericht kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei als PDF-Datei oder als Deutsche Kurzfassung



