Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen

Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen



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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Sweatshop

Donnerstag, 03 Mai 2018 20:51

Europe’s Sweatshops

Herausgeber_in: Clean Clothes Campaign

Schlagwörter: Bekleidungsindustrie, Billiglohnproduktion, existenzsichernder Lohn, Existenzsichernder Lohn, Existenzlohn, Europa, Osteuropa, Sweatshop 

Presentation highlighting the wage gap in the garment and shoe industry in Central, East and South East Europe. There is a dramatic gap between the actual wages garment workers receive and the cost of living in Central, East and South East Europe. The implementation of labour laws is failing and having a detrimental impact on workers’ lives.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 32 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Donnerstag, 21 Februar 2013 11:04

Sweatshop Relay

Herausgeber/in: Labour behind the Label, GB

Schlagwörter: Sweatshop, Selber nähen, Design, Aktion, Spenden

To learn more about sweatshops in the garment industry, students can stage their own one-day sweatshop for charity, living through the experience of working in an exploitative garment factory in their own school, just for one day.
The students plan and lead their own project, deciding how to stage the one-day event, what product to manufacture, what rules to abide by (for example, 'no talking', 'no toilet breaks', which is common in the sweatshop world), and how to sell the product they have produced afterwards. All profits from this event go to Labour Behind the Label to support garment workers' struggles for better working conditions in the real world.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2010/11

Zielgruppe: Schule und Studium, Sek II, Berufsschule, Studium

Sprache: Englisch

Inhalt: Arbeitsbedingungen Sweatshop,

Methoden: Beschreibung eines Aktionstages, bei dem die TN die Arbeitsverhältnisse in einem Sweatshop nachspielen, selber Kleidungsstücke nähen und diese verkaufen. So werden Mitschüler/innen bzw. Mitstudenten/innen auf das Thema aufmerksam gemacht. Erlöse werden gespendet - z.B. an Labour behind the label. Labour behind the label stellt ein Materialienset zur Verfügung mit Postern, Hintergrundinformationen, eine Präsentation zur Projektvorstellung, Unterrichtspläne und Evaluierungsbögen

Anwendbarkeit/ Verständlichkeit: schön und ansprechend gestaltet

Zeit, Raum, Material: 1 Aktionstag, plus Vor - und Nachbereitung

Bezug: online und Bestellung des Pakets kostenfrei per E-Mail auf

Montag, 18 Februar 2013 17:56


Herausgeber: Playfair 2012 - Campaigning for a sweat-free Olympics, TUC, Labour behind the label
Game created by Jonny Norridge

Schlagwörter: Animationen, Spiele, Arbeitsbedingungen, Sweatshop, Olympia 2012

Could you keep up with the pressures of working in a sweatshop? Well now you can find out by playing our online game. You are invited to enter the world of a sports merchandise production worker. Your wage will be 3,79 Pounds for a full day’s work. A standard working day here is 12 hours. Work hard and you will be paid your full wage. If you make a mistake you will be punished accordingly.
Drag the pieces of the product on to the correct place on the guide product. You will have to watch your energy levels as the game goes on, and you must buy food and drink in order to keep your energy levels up. There will also be other expenses, such as rent and clothing for your children. Now get to work! Take a specific look at the ‘what’s the story?’ function which gives background facts for game players, the ‘contact the union’ function which allows players to stand up for their rights, and the ‘take action’ function where players can send an action email to Adidas, Nike and Pentland calling for better rights for sportswear and merchandise workers.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012

Sprache: Englisch


Sonntag, 17 Februar 2013 21:02

Blood Sweat and T-shirts

Herausgeber: BBC Three

Schlagwörter: Rollentausch, Konsum, Indien, Fabrikarbeit, Sweatshop, selber nähen, Erfahrung

This BBC Three series from May 2008 saw six young fashion addicts swap shopping on the high street with working in India's cotton fields and clothes factories. They find out whether they could handle a sewing machine and meet the target of two garments a minute. Discover whether their experience changed their throwaway attitude to clothes shopping.

A follow-up series was made in 2010 called Blood Sweat and Luxuries that once again brought together six young British consumers to experience working alongside the people who make the products sold on the high street.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene/ Berufsschule/Studium Sek I/II

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Trailer zu den 4 Episoden finden sich hier



