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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Ökobilanz

Herausgeber_in: Miguel Angel Gardetti

Nachhaltigkeit, Bekleidungsindustrie, Textilindustrie, Lieferkette, Standards, Ökostandards, Ökobilanz

This book covers the elements involved in achieving sustainability in textiles and Clothing sector. The chapters to be covered in three volumes of this series title cover all the distinctive arethe as earmarked for achieving sustainable development in textiles and the clothing industry. This second volume deals with the measurement of environmental and societal impacts across the textiles and clothing supply chain. It addresses this important aspect in a comprehensive way including the overall picture of environmental and societal impacts of textiles and clothing supply chain, environmentally sustainable clothing consumption, emerging green technologies and eco-friendly products for sustainable textiles, etc. This volume has a dedicated place to deal with the consumer phase impacts in the life cycle of clothing products, biodegradation of textile products, sustainable business development and its implications in textile sector. 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 287 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-981-287-110-7): 83.92 €

Dieses Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.

Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses e-Book kostenfrei verfügbar.

Montag, 30 November -0001 00:53

Pulse of the Fashion Industry

Herausgeber_in: Global Fashion Agenda & The Boston Consulting Group

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsrechtsverletzungen, Bewertung, Fast Fashion, Konsum, Konsumverhalten, Lieferkette, Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Ökobilanz, System, Textilindustrie, Textilproduktion, Umweltschäden, Unternehmensverantwortung

The fashion industry has a clear opportunity tact differently, pursuing profit and growth while alscreating new value for the world economy. It comes with an urgent need tplace environmental, social and ethical improvements on management’s agenda. In the first Pulse of the Fashion Industry report (May 2017), The Global Fashion Agenda, in collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group, have made an in-depth assessment of the industry’s environmental and social performance. Drawing on the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index and a survey of more than 90 senior managers responsible for sustainability issues and a variety of other sources, it offers the first comprehensive common fact base on the health of the industry – with a “Pulse Score” by type of company, size, region and stage in the value chain.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 74 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download bei copenhagenfashionsummit.

Verlag: Fairchild Books

Autoren/innen: Janet Hethorn (Autor), Connie Ulasewicz

Schlagwörter: Design, Modedesign,  Nachhaltigkeit, Produktlebenszyklus, Ökobilanz, Materialien, Recycling, Kreislauf, System

Through a collection of specially commissioned essays, Sustainable Fashion: Why Now? examines the issues of sustainability that designers, product developers, and consumers confront as they go about their business of creating, wearing, and recycling clothing and fashion. In a broader sense, the book considers what "sustainability" means alongside "fashion"-two seemingly contradictory concepts as fashion is all about change and sustainability, is all about preservation. Through a lively range of perspectives, the authors engage their readers in a dialogue on sustainable fashion that generates new ideas on how to produce fashion with a sense of ethics, organic or renewable resources, and socially responsible manufacturing techniques.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Umfang: Taschenbuch, 424 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Inhalt: The format of the book is an anthology, divided into three sections, each focused on an in-depth exploration of sustainable opportunity: "Connecting with Consumers on Issues Relating to Sustainable Practices," "Production and Economic Processes in the Global Economy," and "The Environment, the Planet, and the Materials Used in Fashion Making." This structure provides an interconnected and circular way to explore the creation and practice of sustainable fashion that is not possible through old, linear models of understanding the fashion industry.
Features illustrated Best Practices that demonstrate, through interviews and examples, sustainable business practices in real-life scenarios, examples of syllabi, assignments, in-class activities, discussion questions, and worksheets.

Bezug: Print für 62,99 € über den Buchhandel oder bei Amazon

Freigegeben in Ethical Fashion Design

Verlag: Routledge

Edited by: Alison Gwilt, Timo Rissanen

Schlagwörter: Waste Management, Textile Waste, Abfall, Textilien, Materialien, Design, Designstrategien, Designer/innen, Modedesigner/innen, Ökobilanz, Life Cycle, umweltfreundlich, ökologisch

The production, use and eventual disposal of most clothing is environmentally damaging, and many fashion and textile designers are becoming keen to employ more sustainable strategies in their work. This book provides a practical guide to the ways in which designers are creating fashion with less waste and greater durability.
Based on the results of extensive research into lifecycle approaches to sustainable fashion, the book is divided into four sections:
source: explores the motivations for the selection of materials for fashion garments and suggests that garments can be made from materials that also assist in the management of textile waste
make: discusses the differing approaches to the design and manufacture of sustainable fashion garments that can also provide the opportunity for waste control and minimization
use: explores schemes that encourage the consumer to engage in slow fashion consumption
last: examines alternative solutions to the predictable fate of most garments – landfill.
Illustrated throughout with case studies of best practice from international designers and fashion labels and written in a practical, accessible style, this is a must-have guide for fashion and textile designers and students in their areas.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Umfang: 192 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: zu bestellen auf der Homepage des Verlags Routledge

Freigegeben in Ethical Fashion Design

Verlag: Routledge

Edited by: Alison Gwilt, Timo Rissanen

Schlagwörter: Waste Management, Textile Waste, Abfall, Textilien, Materialien, Design, Designstrategien, Designer/innen, Modedesigner/innen, Ökobilanz, Life Cycle, umweltfreundlich, ökologisch

The production, use and eventual disposal of most clothing is environmentally damaging, and many fashion and textile designers are becoming keen to employ more sustainable strategies in their work. This book provides a practical guide to the ways in which designers are creating fashion with less waste and greater durability.
Based on the results of extensive research into lifecycle approaches to sustainable fashion, the book is divided into four sections:
source: explores the motivations for the selection of materials for fashion garments and suggests that garments can be made from materials that also assist in the management of textile waste
make: discusses the differing approaches to the design and manufacture of sustainable fashion garments that can also provide the opportunity for waste control and minimization
use: explores schemes that encourage the consumer to engage in slow fashion consumption
last: examines alternative solutions to the predictable fate of most garments – landfill.
Illustrated throughout with case studies of best practice from international designers and fashion labels and written in a practical, accessible style, this is a must-have guide for fashion and textile designers and students in their areas.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Umfang: 192 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch


Freigegeben in Ethical Fashion Design

Verlag: Diplomica Verlag

Autorin: Edith Piegsa

Schlagwörter: Green Fashion, ökologische Bekleidung, Bio-Baumwolle, Färben, Bedrucken, Druck, Wäschepflege, Ökolabels, Siegel, Zertifizierungen, Lebenszyklus, Ökobilanz

Green Fashion, ökologische Bekleidung und Bio-Baumwolle sind Begriffe, die verstärkt in den öffentlichen Medien genannt werden. Doch was macht ökologische Bekleidung wirklich aus, wo stecken die Tücken in der Bekleidungsproduktion und wie kann der Verbraucher Einfluss nehmen? Viele Prozesse in der textilen Kette, wie das Färben oder Bedrucken von Textilien oder die Wäschepflege, werden in ihrer ökologischen Brisanz unterschätzt. Ökolabels kennzeichnen ökologische, hautfreundliche und fair produzierte Textilien, doch die Anzahl an Textilkennzeichnungen ist groß und ihre Bedeutung nicht immer schlüssig. Anstatt einzelne Prozesse auseinander zu reißen, zeigt dieses Buch übergreifend alle ökologisch relevanten Aspekte im Lebenszyklus von Bekleidung auf, informiert über technische Innovationen und die detaillierte Bedeutung von Ökosiegeln und vergleicht verschiedene Fasern auf ihre Ökobilanz. Die textile Kette zu verstehen erleichtert einen Modekonsum im Einklang mit der Umwelt.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2010

Umfang: 104 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Sprache: Deutsch

Bezug: Print 39,50 €, eBook 24,99 €, über den Buchhandel oder online auf der Homepage des Diplomica Verlags

Freigegeben in Kritischer Konsum
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