Diesen RSS-Feed abonnieren Arbeitsbedingungen / Unternehmenskritik (455) Precarious Work in the H&M Global Value Chain - A Report to the ILO 2016 Precarious Work in the Walmart Global Value Chain - A Report to the ILO 2016 Pressemappe Lohn zum Leben Productivity: The Key to Funding Living Wages? Pulse of the Fashion Industry Pulse of the fashion industry Purchasing practices and low wages in global supply chains: Empirical cases from the garment industry Purchasing practices and working conditions in global supply chains: Global Survey results Quick fix - Die Suche nach der schnellen Lösung - Was bringen Sozial-Audits den Näherinnen der Sweatshops? Quick scan of the linkages between the Ethiopian garment industry and the Dutch market Race to the bottom (2012) - Olympic sportswear companies’ exploitation of Bangladeshi workers Report: 10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project: A critical evaluation. Report: Can you earn a living wage in fashion in Italy? Research note Wages and working conditions in and out of global supply chains: A comparative empirical review Research Report: Understanding the Characteristics of the Sumangali Scheme in Tamil Nadu Textile & Garment Industry and Supply Chain Linkages Resource Kit: Gender-based violence in global supply chains Richer Bosses, Poorer Workers - Bangalore's Garment Industry Richtwert für einen europäischen Basis-Existenzlohn Roll-Up Ausstellung Change Your Shoes Romania : Country Study 2014 - 2015 Rote Karte für Sportmarken - Giftige Chemikalien in WM-Produkten Schmutzige Wäsche (Teil 1) - Die Belastung chinesischer Flüsse durch Chemikalien der Textilindustrie Schmutzige Wäsche: Gefährliche Chemie in der Waschtrommel - Wie Modemarken ihre Kunden zu unfreiwilligen Komplizen machen Schmutzige Wäsche: zum Trocknen aufgehängt - Giftige Spuren vom Abflussrohr bis zum T-Shirt Schön! Färber! Schritte zu einem nachhaltigen Textileinkauf im Unternehmen Schuh-Probleme - Unterrichtsideen Schwarzbuch Baumwolle: Was wir wirklich auf der Haut tragen Series for garment workers in Africa - 1. Organising and campaigning - 2. Asian Multinationals in Africa -3. A story of organising Sexual Harassment in Garment Factories: Firm Structure, Organizational Culture and Incentive Systems Sexual Harassment: An Insight into the Indian Garment Industry Shop ‘til they drop - Fainting and malnutrition in garment workers in Cambodia So wird ein Schuh draus - Arbeitsbedingungen in der chinesischen Schuhindustrie Social Sustainability in Apparel Supply Chains: Organizational Practices for Managing Sub-Contracted Homework Solidarität konkret. Sozial und ökologisch hergestellte Arbeits- und Dienstkleidung Sozial-Ökologische Mode auf dem Prüfstand Sozialaudits – wie sie Unternehmen schützen und Arbeiter*innen im Stich lassen Herausgeber_innen Soziale Indikatoren in Nachhaltigkeitsberichten: freiwillig, verlässlich, gut? Standing Firm Against Factory Floor Harassment - Preventing Violence Against Women Garment Workers In Bangladesh And India Step into the future: #42 CIVIDEP and Femnet: How is the situation of Indian workers one year after the pandemic? Steps Towards a Living Wage in Global Supply Chains - Oxfam Issue Briefing Still Captured by Cotton - Exploited Dalit girls produce garments in India for European and US markets Still much to do: A report on the ecological and social labelling of footwear and leather Still Waiting Stitched Up - Poverty Wages for Garment Workers in Eastern Europe and Turkey Im Stich gelassen – die Armutslöhne der Arbeiterinnen in Kleiderfabriken in Osteuropa und der Türkei Stitching for South Africa - taking responsibility for working conditions in garment supply chain for South African retailers Stitching our Shoes - Homeworkers in South India Stop the Violence – Break the Silence. Gender-based violence in the garment sector of Bangladesh: A study on cases, causes and cures Study on the Health Status of Adolescent Girls working in Textile and Spinning Mills Sumangali-Zwangsarbeit in indischen Spinnereien Sumangali: The untold stories Summary: Stitching our Shoes - Homeworkers in South India Sustainable Sourcing - Für Menschenrechte in der Mode. Faire Kette, faire Anbieter. Sustainable supply chain management in the fast fashion industry: An analysis of corporate reports Sweatshop Relay Sweatshop – Deadly Fashion SYNTHESEBERICHT: Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die Textilindustrie Syrian refugees in Turkish garment supply chains - An analysis of company action to address report of serious exploitation & abuse Syrian Workers in Turkey’s Garment Industry - Looking Back, Moving Forward Tailored Wages: Are the big brands paying the people who make our clothes enough to live on? 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Trade regimes and labour standards in the garment, footwear and electronics supply chain The Myanmar Dilemma Can the garment industry deliver decent jobs for workers in Myanmar? The pathways between female garment workers’ experience of violence and development of depressive symptoms The real Asda price: Poverty and abuse in George’s showcase factories The real cost of our shoes The Structural Crisis of Labour Flexibility The True Cost The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the human rights of workers to form or join trade unions and to bargain collectively The weakest Link in the Global Supply Chain – How the Pandemic is Affecting Bangladesh’s Garment Workers Time for Transparency - The case of the Tamil Nadu textile and garment industry Todschick - Edle Labels, billige Mode – unmenschlich produziert Tougher Than Leather - Working Conditions in Indian Tanneries Trade Unions in Transformation - A Case Study of the National Union of Textile, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria Trampling workers‘ rights underfoot. A snapshot on the Human Rights Due Diligence performance of 23 companies in the global footwear industry Trauriger Stoff - Kinderarbeit auf Indiens Baumwollfeldern Tricky Footwork - The Struggle for Labour Rights in the Chinese Footwear Industry TrikotTausch – die zwei Seiten der internationalen Sportbekleidungsproduktion Tuchfühlung – Vom Reinwaschen und Schönfärben Turkey Country Study 2017/2018 Turkey: Country Study 2016 TV-Doku: Kinderarbeit in Bangladesch Überlebende der Katastrophe von Bangladesch in Deutschland UDITA [arise] - Documentary about female garment workers, Bangladesh Umweltstandards in der Textil- und Schuhbranche Under pressure - A study of labour conditions in garment factories in Myanmar which are wholly Korean owned or in a Joint Venture with Korean companies StartZurück12345WeiterEnde Seite 4 von 5