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Syrian Workers in Turkey’s Garment Industry - Looking Back, Moving Forward

Herausgeber_innen: Temiz Giysi Kampanyasi – Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Migration, Osteuropa und Türkei

Kurzbeschreibung: As the Syrian civil war enters its ninth year, more than half of the Syrian population has been forcefully displaced from their homes, with 5.6 million seeking refuge abroad. With its open door policy, Turkey has contributed significantly to humanitarian relief for more than 3.5 million civilians affected by the war in Syria.

The vast majority of Syrians in Turkey reside outside of refugee camps, making their living from waged labour in towns and cities across Turkey, including work in the garment industry. Turkey’s garment industry has become one of the largest sources of income for Syrians, with an estimated 250,000–400,000 Syrian workers.

Focusing on how refugee workers experience and navigate their precarious situations, this report sheds light on both the individual as well as the structural factors that enable and constrain refugee workers in their struggle for a decent life in Turkey. Hence, while the purchasing practices of brands and the domestic policy framework remain decisive in shaping the conditions on the factory floor, refugees’ own agency and struggles must be understood as a constitutive element of their workplace experience.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Umfang: 28 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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