Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen

Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen



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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Modeverhalten

Herausgeber_in: Fashion Revolution

Autor_in: Luka Resanović, Ana Vragolović

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene , Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Europa, Konsum, Konsumverhalten, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Lohn, Modeverhalten, Nachhaltigkeit, Politik, soziale Verantwortung, textile Kette, Transparenz, Untersuchung, Waschen

Fashion Revolution conducted the first consumer survey in 2018 among people aged 16-75 in the five largest European markets – Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK. In August 2020, a follow-up survey was carried out in the same countries to learn about their shopping behaviour in the last twelve months and current views on some of fashion’s most pressing social and environmental issues.

The research aimed to discover what information consumers would like fashion brands to share when it comes to social and environmental impacts and to better understand what roles consumers think that governments and laws should play in ensuring clothing is sustainably produced.

This survey is part of Trade Fair, Live Fair,’ a 3-year project funded by the European Commission that brings together 35 partners from the Fair Trade community across the EU to raise public awareness and contribute to achieving Goal 12.8 of the UN’s Sustainable Development framework: “ to ensure that, by 2030, people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature”.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 39 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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