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Textile Visionaries: Innovation and Sustainability in Textile Design

Verlag: Laurence King Publishing

Autor: Bradley Quinn

Schlagwörter: Materialien, Materialinnovation, Innovation, High-Tech-Fasern, Biomimikri, Design, Modedesign, Nachhaltigkeit

Technologized textiles and sustainable fabrics are among the most innovative designed today, and together they are driving the rest of the industry dramatically forward. Many designers are now integrating hi-tech fabrics, such as protective and impact-resistant textiles, or cellulose fabrics with groundbreaking results. Embracing new processes such as biomimicry, they bridge the gap between art, design, technology and sustainability.
This book showcases new work from over 35 of today’s most forward-thinking textile designers, featuring surface designs, highly-structured textures and striking silhouettes. Each will be presented through inspirational text and striking visual spreads to include design sketches, work-in-progress photographs and digital drawings alongside images of cutting-edge furniture, interior textiles and fashion.
This book shows how the development of fabrics today is immersed in technology, sustainability and innovation. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in contemporary textile design.

Erscheinungsjahr: April 2013

Umfang: 312 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: hier bestellbar (ISBN: 9781780670539)

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