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Steps towards Sustainability in Fashion: Snapshot Bangladesh - A resource for fashion students and educators

Herausgeber_in: London College of Fashion and Fashioning an Ethical Industry

Autor_in: Parker, E.

Redaktion: Hammond, L., Higginson, H. and Williams, D.

Schlagwörter: Bangladesch, Nachhaltigkeit, ethical fashion, Umsetzung, Fallbeispiele, Alternativen,  Textilien, Materialien, Design, Designstrategien, Designer/innen, Modedesigner/innen

This publication presents three case studies, alongside ideas of how to use them in fashion education, to illustrate different ways sustainability is being approached and interpreted in Bangladesh by diverse companies.
The case-studies, published in collaboration with Fashioning an Ethical Industry and Centre for Sustainable Fashion are an output of a British Council funded Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE) project bringing together London College of Fashion, the BGMEA Institute of Fashion Technology (BIFT) in Dhaka and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to deliver research that explores better practice and ways forward to improve the competitiveness of the Bangladesh manufacturing sector to add value in this area.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Umfang: 22 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Zielgruppe: Modedesignstudenten/inn

Inhalt: drei Fallstudien von verschiedenen Unternehmen, die in Bangladesh produzieren, und Anregungen, wie sie in der Modeausbildung eingesetzt warden können um verschiedene Wege aufzuzeigen, wie man sich dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit nähern und dieses umsetzen kann.
Die Fallstudien:
People Tree's design approach,
New Look and Echotex's project to address long hours, low pay and buying practices
Aranya Crafts pioneering work in in natural dyes

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