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Study on the technical, regulatory, economic and environmental effectiveness of textile fibres recycling

Herausgeber*in: European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Autor*in: T. Duhoux, E. Maes, M. Hirschnitz-Garbers

Schlagwörter: Circular Economy, Europa, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Life Cycle, Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling, Textilien, Ökobilanz, Studie, Umweltbelastung


The findings of this study can be used as evidence base to improve the knowledge of the effectiveness of recycling capabilities of textile waste. This study wants to substantiate the understanding of the existing technologies industrially applied or at research stage, which relate to all the different types of recycling (e.g. mechanical recycling, chemical monomer recycling, chemical polymer recycling, etc.). It also provides an analysis of the economic and environmental effectiveness of those recycling technologies and a roadmap of the textile recycling technologies under development in order to support their industrial uptake.

Finally, it also provides an analysis on relevant policy initiatives in order to tackle potential regulatory barriers and scale up textile waste recycling activities in the EU.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Sprache: Englisch, teils Französisch

Umfang: 205 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Studierende, Dozierende, Beschaffer*innen

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