Herausgeber*in: The Swedisch School of Textiles, Science Park Boras, re:textile
Autor*in: Jan Carlsson, Alison Gwilt, Jonas Larsson , Heikki Mattila, Rudrajeet Pal, Håkan Torstensson. Anna Lidström
Schlagwörter: Altkleider, Design, Europa, Lebenszyklus, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Marktentwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit, Upcycling, Secondhand, Sortieren, Designstrategien
In recent years the increased awareness of the need for conservation of resources and environmental sustainability has brought a focus on the potential for a circular economy in textiles and fashion. Commissioned by the Region of Västra Götaland, a number of investigations were carried out during 2015-2019, related to redesign, reuse and recycling of textile materials and products, at the Swedish School of Textiles and Science Park Borås.
The objectives of the reports, where feasibility is a keyword, is to develop structures for circular processes in the textile industry, in order to create new business opportunities and use less planetary resources. The focus is to design for longevity, through conditional design, redesign and remanufacturing and service innovation, and to ensure that the resulting circular processes are technically, organizationally and economically feasible.
In the second report, the feasibility of conditional design is assessed. Conditional design is a concept that involves defining systematically the design elements that are relevant to apply in the design process for both longevity and recyclability. The report on conditional design focuses on the feasibility of service innovation, while intending to answer the following issues, having also in mind to maintain or increase the attractiveness of the products:
1) Can the design/construction phase decisively influence the characteristics of the product, so that the prerequisites for circular, sustainable flows will be significantly improved?
2) Which are then the key critical factors?
3) What is the future for different scenarios?
4) What is in that case a feasible way out for the concrete implementation of a strategy that positively affects the entire textile value chain?
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 82 Seiten
Zielgruppe: Studierende, Dozierende
Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download
Herausgeber*in: The Swedisch School of Textiles, Science Park Boras, re:textile
Autor*in: Jan Carlsson, Håkan Torstensson Rudrajeet Pal Manoj K. Paras
Schlagwörter: Altkleider, Europa, Lebenszyklus, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Marktentwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling, Secondhand, Sortieren, Strategien
In recent years the increased awareness of the need for conservation of resources and environmental sustainability has brought a focus on the potential for a circular economy in textiles and fashion. Commissioned by the Region of Västra Götaland, a number of investigations were carried out during 2015-2019, related to redesign, reuse and recycling of textile materials and products, at the Swedish School of Textiles and Science Park Borås.
The objectives of the reports, where feasibility is a keyword, is to develop structures for circular processes in the textile industry, in order to create new business opportunities and use less planetary resources. The focus is to design for longevity, through conditional design, redesign and remanufacturing and service innovation, and to ensure that the resulting circular processes are technically, organizationally, and economically feasible.
In the first report, the feasibility of collection and sorting of used textiles is assessed. The assessment was based on a model for the different flow directions in collection and sorting – collection by charity organizations, stores, municipalities etc. or directly from users, and sorting into export channels, second-hand stores, recycling and redesign facilities or even destruction by incineration. It was evident that realistic conditions, at that time (2015) at least, did not permit a profitable, fully commercial sorting facility. There was a need for further value-adding features, which must be developed in order to ensure the feasibility of such a centralized facility.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 36 Seiten
Zielgruppe: Studierende, Dozierende
Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download