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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Corona

 Herausgeber_in: CNV international

Autor_innen: Dr. Dennis Arnold

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Globalisierung, Kambodscha, Lieferketten, Länderbericht, Löhne, Menschenrechte, Mindestlohn, Politik, Studie, Textile Wertschöpfungskette


This project assesses the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and the partial withdrawal of the European Union’s Everything but Arms trade arrangement on the employment in Cambodia’s garment sector. These trade related shocks or disruptions are analyzed in the political context of Cambodia’s authoritarian shift , as the country has no functioning political opposition and independent trade unions ability to promote workers’ rights has been compromised. As for the economic context, the report looks at Cambodia’s foothold in the global garment industry , which remains as an assembly platform of low value added apparel. The research addresses this de-facto market specialization and the implications when considering changes in power dynamics between global buyers and manufacturers who are consolidating and transnationalizing their production networks.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 31 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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Herausgeber_in: Mela wear

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule, Erwachsene

Medien: Podcast

Schlagwörter:  Arbeitsbedingungen, Armut, Bekleidungsindustrie, COVID-19, Corona, Gesundheit, Indien, Lieferketten, Löhne, Produktion, Unternehmensverantwortung


Interview with Parvathi Madappa and Lea Kress

How is the situation of Indian textile workers one year after the start of the pandemic and the 

lockdown in India? How are they affected by the Indian Labour Law Reforms which provoked a massive wave of protests? Parvathi Madappa works for the Indian labour rights organization CIVIDEP and Lea Kress for the German NGO FEMNET. In collaboration with partners in the Global North, CIVIDEP seeks to hold brands accountable for rights violations in their supply chains. For example, CIVIDEP cooperates with the civil society members of the “Textilbündnis” to improve the situation of textile workers. Due to the Corona crisis millions of workers lost their livelihood, that is why CIVIDEP started distributing relief aid and German partners have set up emergency funds.

The podcast is available on different podcast platforms and on the website of mela wear.

Erscheinungsjahr: seit 2021

Umfang: ca. 45 Min

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Informationen und Podcast auf der Website oder kostenfrei auf mehreren Plattformen

Herausgeber_in: SOMO – Centre for Reseacrh on multinational corporations

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen 

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Gesundheit, Lieferketten, Länderbericht, Leder, Löhne, Myanmar, Überstunden


In this article, data are presented on key labour issues in two garment factories, Leader One and Dong Yi. From intensive interviews with 39 workers, a grim picture of the pre-Corona crisis situation arises. Things cannot go back to the way they were. Let the Corona crisis be a turning point to finally improve the lives of workers in the garment supply chain, starting with these two factories in Myanmar.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Sprache: Englisch

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 Herausgeber_in: Together for Decent Leather, Bangladesh Labour Foundation (BLF)

Autor_innen: Cornelia Staritz, Lindsay Whitfield

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Armut, Bangladesch, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Gesundheit, Lieferketten, Länderbericht, Leder, Löhne


Like other sectors, the coronavirus pandemic has also upset the leather production, production process, productivity and its supply chains in all respect. The country's leather exporters are going to be hit hard for the coronavirus outbreak in China, which is their largest export destination (about 60%) of leather from Bangladesh. According to the stakeholders, Bangladesh tanneries and leather sector as a whole facing a huge financial loss amounting over USD300 million and the figure is increasing daily basis. There are around 300 containers of leather and leather goods that are packed up on the factory premises for shipment. Most of the previous export orders are being cancelled by the foreign buyers as the countries from where the order came has also been hit hard.

Under the circumstance of the above since the situation has been changing continuously, Bangladesh Labour Foundation has been taken the initiative to conduct series of situation coverage where this one is the first part of our research which covered immediate impact on the industry due to COVID-19. As a labour support organization, our major focus was to find out the current conditions of the workers where definitely we have gone through the industry update as a whole.  

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 7 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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Herausgeber_in: Fashion Revolution, Tamil Nadu Alliance

Autor_in: Sarah Ditty

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule , Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Baumwolle, Brasilien, China, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Indien, Konsum, Leder, Lieferketten, Menschenrechte, Nachhaltigkeit, Textile Kette, Transparenz, Unternehmensverantwortung


Supply chains are more like webs than linear chains, with layers of agents, contractors and subcontractors. This is a problem because fragmented and opaque supply chains can allow exploitative and unsafe working conditions to thrive while obscuring who has the responsibility and power to redress them.

This is why Fashion Revolution, among many other organisations, has been calling for greater transparency and accountability across the global fashion industry since the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013 killing more than a thousand garment workers. In support of the Tamil Nadu Alliance, Fashion Revolution has reviewed the supply chain transparency efforts of 62 major brands and retailers with reported links to textile suppliers in Tamil Nadu.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 44 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei 

Herausgeber_in: KDA Hannover

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Webseiten/ Spiele/ Multimedia/ Apps

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, China, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Globalisierung, Lieferketten, Lebensbedingungen, Löhne, Menschenrechte, Nachhaltigkeit, Seidenstraße, Soziale Verantwortung, Unternehmensverantwortung


Corona wirbelt globale Lieferketten durcheinander, das gilt auch für die Textilproduktion. In den Medien ist von stornierten Aufträgen genauso die Rede wie von Lagern voller Kleidung, die sich nicht mehr verkaufen lässt, weil sie nicht mehr „neu“ ist. Der KDA Hannover und das Frauenwerk haben Dr. Sabine Ferenschild von SÜDWIND als Expertin dazu eingeladen.

Die Veranstaltung, die am 10.03.2021 stattfand, wurde aufgezeichnet und kann unter dem Link angeschaut werden: 

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Sprache: Deutsch

Dauer: ca. 55 Minuten

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei  

Herausgeber_in: Südwind e.V. - Institut für Ökonomie und Ökumene, Inkota Netzwerk

Autor_innen: Dr. Jiska Gojowczyk

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene, Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule 

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Armut, Asien, COVID-19, Corona, Globalisierung, Indien, Leder, Schuhe, Schuh- und Lederproduktion, Sorgfaltspflicht, Sozialstandards, Studie


Die Schuhindustrie ist im Zuge der Covid-19-Pandemie im Stress. Die Produktion stockte Anfang des Jahres 2020 weltweit aufgrund von Lieferengpässen und Betriebsverboten. Ausgangssperren und eine zurückhaltende Konsumlaune hemmen bis heute die Nachfrage. Wie diese Untersuchung zeigt, leiden die Arbeiter*innen in Produktionsländern wie Indien unter dieser Situation massiv. 

Mit dieser Kurzstudie wird die aktuelle Situation der Arbeiter*innen der Schuh- und Lederindustrie beleuchtet. Grundlage sind die Erhebungen der indischen Organisationen CIVIDEP und Society for Labour and Development (SLD), die im Sommer 2020 in den Regionen um Vellore im Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu und um Kanpur im Bundesstaat Uttar Pradesh durchgeführt wurden. 1115 Arbeiter*innen gaben ausführlich Auskunft über ihre Arbeitssituation und über die Auswirkungen der Covid- 19-Pandemie auf ihre Existenzgrundlage.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 24 Seiten 

Sprache: Deutsch

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Herausgeber_in: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Center for Development and Employment Research

Redaktion: Rizwanul Islam, Rushidan I Rahman

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsrechte, Bangladesh, Bekleidungsindustrie, COVID-19, Corona, Gender, Gesundheit, Frauen in der Bekleidungsindustrie, Krise, Menschenrechte, Politik, Standards, Studie, textile Kette, Untersuchung


The COVID-19 pandemic has turned to an global economic crisis which affected the employment and labour market situations worldwide – as well in Bangladesh. The lockdown measures from March to May 2020 hit the economy hard and economic recovery is taking time. There are already visible signs of the impact of the economic crisis on employment and livelihoods of people.

The study analyses the impact of the health and economic crisis on the employment and labour market situations of Bangladesh and provides recommendations on possible policy responses for the short and medium turn future. It deals with the employment as a whole but also focus on how the informal sector and women have been affected.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 48 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Altkleider, Bekleidungsindustrie, COVID-19, Corona, Circular Economy, gesetzliche Regulierung, Konsum, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Leihen, Ökostandards, Recycling, Secondhand, Textile Waste, Tipps für in der Bekleidungsbranche Tätige, Transformation, Treibhausgase, Umweltschutz, Unternehmensverantwortung,


In the unparalleled response to the Covid-19 pandemic, trillions of dollars in economic stimulus have been made available around the world while the calls for a recovery that is in alignment with other global challenges, have never been louder. Many see beyond the pandemic a rare opportunity to build a resilient and low-carbon economic recovery. Achieving this goal requires governments to take critical actions that not only focus on safeguarding national economies during crises, but that also pave the way toward a wider economic transformation that is more resilient against future global risks.

The circular economy, as an instrument to decouple economic growth from resource use and environmental impact, opens up the way for a resilient recovery. It not only addresses the negative impacts of the linear economy, but more importantly it represents a systemic shift that builds long-term resilience, generates business and economic opportunities, and provides environmental and societal benefits.

Chapter 7 and 8 gives ideas and solutions for the fashion industry especially for rental business models and recycling infrastructure.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 72 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsrechtsverletzungen, Arbeitssicherheit, Bekleidungsindustrie, COVID-19, Corona, Einkaufspraktiken, Gesundheit, Lohn, Marken, Mindestlohn, Menschenrechte, Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, textile Kette, Unternehmensverantwortung, Umfrage


The coronavirus pandemic is one of the most severe health, humanitarian and economic crises of our time. Outbreaks are affecting all segments of the population in every corner of the globe, however the health and economic impacts of the virus are being borne disproportionately by the poorest and most vulnerable. The effects of COVID-19 and associated restrictions could be felt for decades.

Companies have a responsibility to respect the rights of workers and other stakeholders in their operations and across their supply chains at all times. Fulfilling this responsibility is more essential than ever in the present climate, especially where the most vulnerable workers and communities are concerned.

This is why WBA decided to supplement the 2020 CHRB assessment with a separate study, which considers how the same 229 companies have been impacted by, and have responded to, the increased human right risks and impacts associated with the COVID-19 crisis.

By carrying out this separate study, WBA wanted to explore the response of the private sector to COVID-19. The aim was to identify examples of best practice, where companies have demonstrably placed respect for human rights at the heart of their approach, as well as to highlight instances where companies may have been falling short and, therefore, where increased accountability is needed.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 47 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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