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Fashion Focus: Towards a legal framework for a living wage

Herausgeber_in: The Circle

Schlagwörter: EU, Existenzlohn, Gesetzgebung, Lieferkette, Welthandel


The purpose of this report is to provide the basis for a new proposal on living wage regulation. For the purposes of this report, we have limited our scope to the context of living wage legislation, focussing on the non-EU aspect in particular. Based on legal research we draw on 11 diverse areas of existing EU regulation with extra-territorial effect to evidence potential parallels and precedents for EU Living Wage legislation, and to provide arguments for the EU to look beyond its own borders in its regulations.

Given the limitations of cooperation, trade agreements and remedies to address wages and labour standards, the focus of our proposal is on the responsibilities of retail companies and importers to ensure that human rights are upheld within their supply chain.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Umfang: 92 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

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