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Quick scan of the linkages between the Ethiopian garment industry and the Dutch market

Herausgeber_in: somo

Autor_in: Esther de Haan & Martje Theuws

Schlagwörter: Bekleidungsindustrie, Fair Wear Foundation, Ostafrika, Niederlande

Global garment brands and retailers are continuously looking for cheap(er) production locations; as a result speed and low costs have become important requirements for manufacturers. Rising minimum wages in countries such as China and Vietnam have led to a shift in production, first to Bangladesh, later to Myanmar and now Ethiopia is said to become the next hub for textile and apparel sourcing. Mondiaal FNV commissioned SOMO to conduct a short mapping (‘Quick Scan’) of the Ethiopian garment industry. The aim of the requested Quick Scan was to identify which international brands and retailers are currently sourcing garments from Ethiopia as well as the linkages that exist between the Ethiopian garment industry and the Dutch market. Mondiaal FNV is working together with CNV and the Fair Wear Foundation in a five year partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2016-2020). One of the countries the partnership will focus on is Ethiopia, where the organisations intend to work together with local partners to stimulate social dialogue, to establish a living wage and to reduce gender discrimination.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

Umfang: 30

Sprache: Englisch

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