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Dirty Laundry - Unravelling the corporate connections to toxic water pollution in China

Herausgeber: Greenpeace

Schlagwörter: Chemikalien, Gifte, Umweltverschmutzung, gesundheitsschädigend, gefährlich, Wasserverschmutzung

Kurzbeschreibung: A new investigative report from Greenpeace, 'Dirty Laundry', profiles the problem of toxic water pollution resulting from the release of hazardous chemicals by the textile industry in China. The investigation focuses on two facilities that were found to be discharging a range of hazardous and persistent chemicals with hormone-disrupting properties. These results are indicative of a much wider problem that is posing serious and immediate threats to both our precious ecosystems and to human health. Urgent and transparent action is needed in order to eliminate the use and release of these hazardous chemicals.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Umfang: 116 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Sprache: Englisch

Inhalt: Wasserverschmutzung durch giftige Chemikalien in der Textilindustrie in China, Zusammenhang mit Wasserknappheit, Untersuchungen an zwei konkreten Fallbeispielen (Textilfabriken), Handlungsoptionen und Alternativen

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