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The Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India

Herausgeber: Cividep India

Schlagwörter:  Indien, Niedriglöhne, Lohnerhöhung

The garment industry has been vocal in its demand for economic relief and concessions, in order to sustain competitiveness, and safeguard employment in a highly labour intensive industry. The industry failed to implement the wage increase legislated by the state government in 2009 despite the fact that non-implementation is a violation of the Minimum Wages Act.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009

Umfang: 11 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Medien:  Hintergrundinformationen

Bezug:  kostenfrei zum Download bei Cividep.

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